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Dr. Evan Medeiros on the Balloon Incident and State of U.S.-China Relations

On this episode of the Tea Leaves Podcast, Dr. Evan S. Medeiros provided his unique insight into the state of U.S.-China relations following the Chinese surveillance balloon incident, why the incident matters, and the outlook for re-engagement. Dr. Medeiros and Rexon also explored how China’s domestic economic imperatives are shaping its foreign policy, expectations for […]

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TAG COO Jim Loi Joins U.S. Insitute of Peace’s Senior Study Group Focused on China’s Influence on the Freely Associated States of the Northern Pacific

Around the world, Beijing is investing heavily in diplomatic, security, cultural, and economic ties in a bid to increase its global influence, strengthen its ability to protect and advance its national interests, attract support in multilateral fora and international institutions, and fracture the global consensus on key issues it views as unfavorable to its geopolitical ambitions. The Pacific Islands region—defined as the vast stretch of Pacific Ocean between Asian littoral waters in the west, Guam in the north and Hawaii in the northeast, and Australia and New Zealand in the south and southwest—has been no exception.

TAG COO Jim Loi Joins U.S. Insitute of Peace’s Senior Study Group Focused on China’s Influence on the Freely Associated States of the Northern Pacific Read More »

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Former USINDOPACOM Commander Adm. Philip S. Davidson Examines Taiwan’s Deterrence Capabilities

Admiral Philip S. Davidson served as the 25th Commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command from 2018 to 2021. Before leading USINDOPACOM, Admiral Davidson held U.S. Navy leadership roles in North America, Europe, and Africa, and served ashore in multiple policy, strategy, and operations roles; these included service as senior military advisor to the Special Representative for

Former USINDOPACOM Commander Adm. Philip S. Davidson Examines Taiwan’s Deterrence Capabilities Read More »

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Hon. Kevin Rudd Details a Strategic Framework to Protect U.S.-China Stability

Hon. Kevin Rudd served as Australia’s 26th Prime Minister from 2007 to 2010 and again in 2013, and as its Foreign Minister from 2010 to 2012. Today, Kevin is global President and CEO of the Asia Society in New York, and President of the Asia Society Policy Institute. On this episode we discussed Kevin’s new

Hon. Kevin Rudd Details a Strategic Framework to Protect U.S.-China Stability Read More »

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Ashley J. Tellis, Part 2: Opportunities for U.S.-India Cooperation on Trade, Technology, and Security

In part two of our conversation with Ashley J. Tellis, we discussed opportunities for the United States and India to expand their relationship through greater cooperation on trade, technology, and security. We also discussed India’s views on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, the outlook for a visit to India by U.S. President Joe Biden, Pakistan’s changing

Ashley J. Tellis, Part 2: Opportunities for U.S.-India Cooperation on Trade, Technology, and Security Read More »

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Amb. Ted Osius on Shaping U.S. Economic Diplomacy in ASEAN

On this episode of The Tea Leaves Podcast, we sat down with Ambassador Ted Osius, the President and CEO of the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council and former U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam (2014-2017). Ted highlighted his experience promoting the Trans-Pacific Partnership as the top U.S. diplomat in Hanoi, and discussed the evolution of economic and political relations

Amb. Ted Osius on Shaping U.S. Economic Diplomacy in ASEAN Read More »

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